PaperCut 24.0 Available Now

PaperCut 24.0 Available Now

By 2025, 60% of print infrastructure in mid-to-large organizations will transition to the cloud (IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions 2023 Predictions). That’s why PaperCut are introducing unified subscription pricing for PaperCut MF and PaperCut Hive. This will make it easier to support your organisation’s cloud migration journey.

PaperCut MF version 24 introduces support for subscription licensing, in addition to supporting current (perpetual) license files. The changes described below have been introduced in order to support PaperCut MF subscriptions.

Internet access is required when upgrading to v24 and syncing entitlements
Upgrading to version 24 requires a connection to a new Global Entitlements Service in order for MF to sync its installed license entitlements. Existing licenses will be activated automatically on upgrade. See Important points to know about PaperCut MF licensing (Internet connection requirements) for more information.

New ‘Registration’ page
A new ‘Registration’ page within the PaperCut MF admin interface lets admins view license or subscriptions details, reseller contact information and activate subscriptions. See Managing entitlements for more information.

Activating subscriptions
For subscription customers, the activation of a subscription is performed by entering an activation key in the new ‘Registration’ page. See Activating/renewing a subscription for more information.

Multiple subscriptions
The ‘Registration’ page supports multiple subscriptions where the admin can view their active or not started subscription(s) as well as look back on past cancelled or expired subscriptions.

Deactivating an installation
The ‘Registration’ page contains a new button for administrators to deactivate the installation. Clicking this button clears out the entitlements that the install is claiming so the entitlements can be reused for another site, or another fresh install. This requires a connection to the Global Entitlements Service. See Managing entitlements for more information.

Subscription Expiry and Notifications
With the introduction of PaperCut MF subscriptions, PaperCut MF has been updated to reflect modern subscription-based expiry behaviours. This includes ceasing major functionality - blocking logins to various web interfaces and clients and restricted UI access for the built-in admin account. Logins to MFDs/devices are also blocked when there are no active subscriptions. All other PaperCut functionality continues to work. In-product banners, widgets and icons have been enhanced to notify the admin of subscription expiry in advance. See When subscriptions expire for more information.

Brand-neutral devices
Customers can now use their device entitlements across any brand. Previously PaperCut MF was licensed for specific, purchased brands. This change applies to both current customers and customers on subscriptions. Perpetual customers will now see brand neutral devices in the Registration page. See Important points to know about PaperCut MF licensing (Devices are brand neutral) for more information.

Environments with multiple application servers
Due to the new mechanism for syncing entitlements, multiple application servers will sync to a single source of entitlements for the customer. This means that environments that are using the same license file on each server will now use a single set of licensed items. Prior to upgrading to v24, customers need to ensure that their license covers the total number of devices used across their application servers. See Important points to know about PaperCut MF licensing (Global set of entitlements) for more information.

Device state changes
In order to manage the set of entitlements for the installation, v24 introduces changes to device states that now allow for entitlements to be released when not needed anymore. This can be done by manually setting the device to “Disable Indefinitely (Not Licensed)”. The state of the device displays as ‘Not Licensed’ in the Devices List, in the Admin web interface. When a subscription expires, a device no longer claims an entitlement and returns to displaying the ‘Not Licensed’ state in the Devices List in the Admin web interface. See Managing entitlements (Releasing individual device entitlements) for more information.

Updated EULA
The EULA has been updated for version 24. See End User License Agreement (EULA) for more information.

Contact us now to find out more here.
You can find the
release notes here.


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